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We also offer Home and Virtual Visit. Direct Billing is Available.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the similarities and differences between my Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and my Medical Doctor (MD)?

Both MDs and NDs are both considered primary health care providers who undergo similar extensive medical training. They both provided diagnosis and treatment for medical conditions by performing physical examinations and interpreting laboratory tests. NDs and MDs differ in their treatment philosophy and the modalities that they use for treatment. The goal of naturopathic is to identify and address the underlying causes of symptoms and conditions. For reasons, an appointment with a naturopathic doctor usually lasts somewhere from 30 to 90 minutes.

How can I learn more about naturopathic medicine?

You may learn more about naturopathic medicine philosophy and the principles of naturopathic medicine here.

Do I need a referral from my family doctor?

No, you do not need a referral from your family doctor.

How can you help me achieve my health goals?

I enjoy what I do; this is my passion! I initially became interested in naturopathic medicine because it focuses on prevention, finding and treating the root cause of an illness, and treating the whole person. The idea of providing healthcare to people of various ages, using treatments that are generally natural, safe, and non-invasive, has always been fascinating to me. 

I also love the relational aspect of naturopathic medicine. My greatest reward is getting to know my patients, gaining their trust through continuity of care, and then having the privilege of seeing the results as they start to experience a positive difference in their lives.

It’s a great pleasure to help patients make sense of their undifferentiated complaints and figure out what might be happening. I find having a chance to prevent, detect, or intervene upon illness before long-term complications develop very fulfilling. Your trust in leaving your health concerns in my hand is a privilege, and I will not take that lightly.

What is your treatment philosophy?

I have a great appreciation for a functional and individualized approach to care when treating my patients. Since everybody’s genetic makeup is different, our responses to disease and treatment are different as well. For this reason, I believe in spending time with my patients to come up with the best individualized treatment plan.

What conditions do you treat?

I treat your health concerns. I do not focus on a specific list of conditions. I mainly focus on helping you feel better. There is not a particular set of conditions that I treat, as there are many variations in my treatment approach depending on your personalized needs. If there is a need to consult with your family doctor or other practitioners, I will happily be part of your integrated healthcare team to help you feel better soon. You may refer to the conditions treated page to see a sample of the health conditions I treat. These are just a few examples of conditions treated.

What are virtual visits?

From the comfort of your home, you can schedule an appointment and have your visit online. Your virtual visit, including all video and phone chats, offer end to end encryption, meaning that there would not be a privacy concern.

What is a home visit?

I understand that when you feel sick, staying at home is more convenient for you. A home visit, also called a House Call, is merely using your phone to call a doctor to your house and get treated by a licensed professional in Ontario. You can book an appointment at your convenience, and I can reach you at and other places where you stay.

Some advantage of a home visit include:

  • No more waiting at your doctor’s office
  • Saving money by not having to travel to your doctor’s office
  • Using your time more efficiently
  • Receiving quality care and the one-on-one attention that you need

Would you be able to provide quality care for you by doing a home visit?

Absolutely! I use portable medical equipment, which makes my task of conducting medical tests even easier. So, I can perform nearly everything that you would need at your convenience.

Which areas do you provide services to?

Telemedicine is done over skype, and there are no boundaries in terms of where you are. I provide home visits in North York and the surrounding area. You may contact us at your location to see if I offer services in your area.

Is Naturopathic Medicine covered by OHIP or Health Insurance?

 OHIP does not cover naturopathic visits, but most extended health care plans do provide coverage for your visit. You may contact your insurance provider to learn more about the details of your coverage.

How is naturopathic medicine cost-effective?

We focus on solving the root cause of your condition. This way, we will prevent future illnesses, and this will save you money in the long run.

Who can benefit from Naturopathic Medicine?

Everyone, men and women, and children of all ages (from preconception to elderly) can benefit from naturopathic medicine.

I am currently healthy; will I still benefit from seeing a Naturopathic Doctor?

Yes, Indeed! It is excellent that you have been taking good care of yourself! This means that you have the opportunity to live your life to the fullest and have the energy to fulfill your dreams. Naturopathic medicine is also preventative, meaning even if you are healthy you

can do things to prevent illnesses in the future.

Is it safe to take natural medicine If I am taking prescription medication?

It is safe to take natural supplements recommended by your naturopathic doctor if you are taking prescription medication. It is my job to ensure that there is no interaction between my recommendation and other medications that you are currently taking. For this reason, I will be asking you about a list of medications and supplements are you are now taking. Natural medicines also have potential side effects. As a licensed naturopathic doctor, I am extensively trained in pharmacology and botanical medicine. We can also help reduce some of the side effects of your medications.

Do I have to call my insurance company and directly make claims each time and after each visit?

No. My goal is to provide you with the most convenient access to healthcare. This is why I offer home visits and telemedicine. I will work directly with your insurance company. All you have to do is to be willing and open to feeling healthier!

Would you be open to working with my other health care providers?

I would be happy to with your healthcare providers so we can come up with an integrative health team. On your initial INTAKE_FORM, I will ask you for the contact information of current health care providers.

How can I ensure the licensure of a doctor providing naturopathic care?

You will find my name as a licensed naturopathic doctor on the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO). You can visit the site or call in at 416-583-6010 to verify that a Naturopathic Doctor is a licensed practitioner in the province. I am also a registered member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors. You may find my name on their list of practitioners’ directory.