Did you know that if you are exposed to heavy metals, suffer from diabetes, are a shift night worker, or have a low vitamin D status, then you have a higher chance of developing prostate cancer?
Or that most men will suffer erectile dysfunction at some point in their life, maybe for a short period or prolonged period?
Or that your erectile dysfunction might be a side effect of the medication you are taking for your high blood pressure?
Men’s health covers a lot of topics. a lot of which do not receive the attention it deserves.
- Male Infertility
- Prostate and Testicular Health
- Male Hormone Balance
- Andropause
- Urinary Incontinence
- Low Libido/Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
- Cancer Prevention and Treatment
- Healthy Weight Loss and Muscle Atrophy Prevention
- Athletic Performance and energy boost

Are you suffering from men’s health?
- Preventative health screening
- Full screening physical exams including testicular and prostate exams
- and numerous laboratory tests tailored to men’s health
are offered to diagnose and treat your condition using natural modalities.
Sometimes a simple mineral deficiency such as zinc deficiency may be affecting your sperm quality, low testosterone levels, and increase your risk of fertility. At NDmedic, we aim at helping you with your health goals using simple safe, and effective treatments.
Book your appointment or contact us at (416)684-55-14 to book an appointment.