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Children’s Health

Does your child catch cold and flues often?

We will not only address the virus and bacteria that cause the colds and flus, but also works to boost your immunity

Whether your child is having recurrent colds, urinary tract infections, digestion issues or suffering from allergies I can help.

NDmedic offers great care for children and adolescents, as they often need a safe and effective treatment with minimal side effects.

Given the current increasing rate of chronic conditions such as asthma or Crohn’s disease in young children, it is crucial to initiate a healthy lifestyle from a young age.  We can work together to help your child adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle from a young age.

Aside from physical health, many mental health issues often go unnoticed in young children. I will work closely with your child to ensure their mental and physical health is intact. Book your appointment

Children’s Health

Does your child catch cold and flues often?

We will not only address the virus and bacteria that cause the colds and flus, but also works to boost your immunity

Whether your child is having recurrent colds, urinary tract infections, digestion issues or suffering from allergies I can help.

NDmedic offers great care for children and adolescents, as they often need a safe and effective treatment with minimal side effects. 

Given the current increasing rate of chronic conditions such as asthma or Crohn’s disease in young children, it is crucial to initiate a healthy lifestyle from a young age.  We can work together to help your child adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle from a young age.

Aside from physical health, many mental health issues often go unnoticed in young children. I will work closely with your child to ensure their mental and physical health is intact. Book your appointment

Children Health Toronto Top Naturopath Naturopathic doctor Dr Farnoush Khodarahmi ND

Children Health Toronto Top Naturopath Dr Farnoush Khodarahmi ND