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Diabetes Naturopathic care


Early intervention is necessary to prevent the long term consequences of diabetes. We can work closely to prevent and manage your diabetes symptoms. 

Depending on your blood sugar status, I will offer natural solutions. These solutions will be used either in conjunction with your current prescribed medication (i.e., metformin) or alone to help regulate your blood sugar levels.

Diabetes Naturopathic Care

Diabetes Natural Treatments:

Depending on your individual needs, I will use the following approach to help you prevent or manage your diabetes:

Stress reduction:

Chronic stress increases the production of adrenalin and cortisol hormones. Both of these hormones, furthermore, induce a craving for carbohydrates, and increase blood sugar levels. For this reason, very often, the very first step includes a stress-reduction plan.

Healthy diet & anti-oxidant supplements such as alpha-lipoic acid, and Vitamins C and E:

In many cases, antioxidants help slow down tissue damage resulting from diabetes.

Botanical medicines:

Botanical medicine (i.e., cinnamon) in the correct dosage helps reduce insulin resistance. I will only recommend herbal supplements if there is no potential interaction between the desired botanical and your current medication.

Depending on your needs, cholesterol reduction and weight management might be some of the other components of our treatment plan.

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Some of such consequences include:

  • Heart and kidney damage
  • Blindness

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Recurrent infections

  • Amputation