Naturopathic Lab Tests
What happens at a naturopath appointment?
If needed, we will do a series of additional tests to direct us o the right diagnosis.
Adrenal Function Panel Test. $220
Since cortisol is the primary stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands, the measurement of cortisol levels may be a useful means of assessing the ability to cope with stress. With continued pressure, the adrenal glands may become depleted from producing too much cortisol or may reduce cortisol production significantly in response to the detrimental effects of high cortisol.
Symptoms of low cortisol may include tiredness (particularly morning fatigue), recurrent infections, decreased recovery from exercise, allergies, low blood sugar, burned-out feeling, depression, and low sex drive.
Female Hormone Panel. $220
Women of any age may be affected by hormone issues. Hormonal imbalance in women at their reproductive years include:
- Infertility,
- Premenstrual syndrome,
- Mood swings, anxiety,
- Painful periods
Hormonal imbalance at menopause cause:
- Sleep disturbances,
- Night sweats,
- Hot flashes,
- Bone loss
Other conditions associated with hormone imbalance include:
- Weight gain
- Depression, irritability, difficulty coping
- Bone loss
- Breast cancer
The female Panel helps us sort out the specifics of your hormone imbalance.
Male Hormone Panel. $187.50
Conditions associated with male hormone imbalance:
- Apathy, depression
- Bone loss
- Erectile dysfunction
- Memory loss
- Weight gain
- Benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate)
D-Spot™-Measuring 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. $79
A 2010 study estimated that 37,000 deaths could be prevented every year if the Canadian average vitamin D level* was 105 nmol/L. Using this test, we can figure out your vitamin D status.
Hair Element Analysis (45 Toxic & Essential Elements). $99
Hair element analysis assesses the levels of essential and toxic elements.
Toxic elements are nearly everywhere. Toxic elements may create an imbalance in essential elements or directly trigger several health problems, including:
Anxiety/Depression: Both lead and mercury toxicity can contribute to symptoms of depression. Arsenic and mercury are associated with symptoms of anxiety.
Memory Impairment: Lead toxicity can impair long term memory and cause confusion. Cadmium may also cause confusion.
Heart disease: Antimony toxicity may damage the heart. Cadmium toxicity increases blood pressure and may also damage the heart muscle. Lead also increases blood pressure.
Neurological problems: Arsenic toxicity causes numbness and tingling in the feet and hands. Extremely high levels of bismuth may also cause neurological issues like muscle twitches, tremors, or convulsions.
Fatigue: Mild toxicity with any of the toxic elements can contribute to symptoms of fatigue.
Restoring the right balance of elements often involves using supplements that chelate, or bind up, toxic elements, so that they can be safely eliminated. It is also essential to try and minimize exposure to toxic elements. Once the body is clear of toxic elements, we will repeat your hair element analysis. We will then re-examine to see if your nutritional elements are back in balance or if you need further supplementation.
Food sensitivity testing (FST) IgG 120+ Foods
Food allergies and sensitivities are prevalent. Given that many people have delayed sensitivity reactions to the foods they eat, it is often difficult to pinpoint the source.
A food allergy/sensitivity test can help discover the foods to which you have sensitivity. It also helps identify the foods that are good for you. We will also measure the levels of candida in your system. Once we have the results of your food sensitivity test, then I can design a nutritional plan specific to your needs.
IGg food sensitivities also play a role in migraine headaches and irritable bowel syndrome (alternating diarrhea and constipation). Bloating, indigestion, and fatigue are common food sensitivity reactions. Continued consumption of reactive foods may contribute to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Eczema is also commonly associated with food reactions. Because IgG food reactions take hours or days to develop, this makes it difficult to determine which food is responsible for the reaction without doing testing. Please view attached link for related research on this topic:
IGg food Sensitivity and migraine
IGg food sensitivity and obesity
IGg food sensitivity and irritable bowel syndrome sample study